
Why is this Friday so… Black?

By Workshop Team On November 22, 2018

Feeling the Thursday blues? Worry not! Black Friday is upon us! A new concept for people in Cyprus meant to urge them to indulge in a crazy shopping spree. So, let’s have a look at the history behind this commercially coloured day!

  • Where and when?

It all started in the USA in the 19thcentury when two Wall Street financiers, most of the nation’s gold, hoping to drive the price sky-high. On a Friday, the conspiracy finally unraveled, bankrupting everyone from Wall Street barons to farmers.

  • What’s with the colour?

Many years later, the Friday after Thanksgiving (the last Thursday in November), marked the unofficial beginning of the holiday shopping season.  Shoppers began blowing their money, so the retailers marked their financial records in BLACKink for profit instead of red for loss.

  • What now?

In recent years the one-day sales spree has become a four-day event and it has inspired other “retail holidays” in the USA, such as Small Business Saturday/Sundayand Cyber Monday. Slowly it has spread in other countries reaching Cyprus around 2016. Two years later, it has been adopted not only by most electronic companies but most retailers in general, in hopes for an-end-of-the-month ‘black ink’ profit!


So, whether you join in the Black Friday shopping bonanza or not, now you know where, why and when it all began!

Have a colourful weekend! 🛒 🌈